This week’s episode of Revenge was a doozy, so if you’ve seen it (obvious spoiler alert) click through for a brief recap.
Poor Amanda. I didn’t always like her, but the girl did grow on me. She paid the ultimate sacrifice for her friendship with Emily. She got sucked in so deep that she threatened the Graysons herself (over the deal with Jack’s bar, but using some of Em’s security camera footage) and made herself a target. I had a feeling all season that she’d be the one to go down with “The Amanda”, so this episode wasn’t a surprise, but it was a sad one.
Had Amanda’s death been the doing of Nate, I wouldn’t have cared. But the Graysons were involved, which should refocus Emily on taking them down. Revenge still needs to be shaken up, I think, and I wouldn’t mind seeing the bomb dropped that Emily is actually Amanda Clark sooner rather than later.
Amanda’s death is the most serious consequence of Emily’s quest for vengeance so far, and Emily Van Camp really sold that despair as she sobbed in the dinghy.
I don’t think this episode completely corrected everything – Daniel is still too weak-willed to be a compelling character, and framing Amanda for the murder of the woman from The Initiative is a perfect example of that. But I do hope it was a step in the right direction.