So I went and bought 2 shades of Revlon Parfumerie nail polish last night
I only wanted Autumn Spice (on the right) to test out the scent and application with the line, thinking the line is permanent and I have lots of time to get other shades.
Squirt suggested Powder Puff so it landed in my basket too. Both have beautiful shimmers.
I came home to look up swatches of Powder Puff, google came up with nothing! Turns out, the story of this line is quite complicated and I need to tell you about it ASAP.
Background: The line came out in the US first. After the first batch of 16 shades, another 3 followed (noted with *) and 5 are coming soon (noted with **). 24 shades in total eventually, and they are all permanent.
– Fruits & Florals: African Tea Rose, Apricot Nectar, China Flower, Ginger Melon*, Lime Basil*, Orange Blossom**, Pink Pineapple and Wild Violets
– Sweets & Spices: Autumn Spice, Balsam Fir**, Bordeaux, Chocolate Truffle*, Espresso**, Italian Leather, Moonlit Woods and Spun Sugar
– Freshes: Beachy, Fresh Linen, Lavender Soap, Powder Puff**, Sunlit Grass, Surf Spray, Tropical Rain** and Wintermint.
Our story: In Canada, there are only 16 shades in total, and they are all LIMITED EDITION, as noted on the display.
First tier, from L-R: Fresh Linen, Powder Puff, African Tea Rose, Ginger Melon, China Flower, Bordeaux, Autumn Spice, Beachy, Spun Sugar and Italian Leather.
Second tier: Moonlit Woods, Surf Spray, Wintermint, Balsam Fir, Wild Violet and Espresso.
So yeah, they are not exactly the same as the 16 first shades in the US.
– We get Balsam Fir, Espresso and Powder Puff before the US
– We miss out 8 shades: Apricot Nectar, Chocolate Truffle, Lavender Soap, Lime Basil, Orange Blossoms, Pink Pineapple, Sunlit Grass and Tropical Rain.
There are only 2 bottles of each shade, so if you are Canadian, you’d better get to it before they disappear! The line is 20% off at Lawtons this week, so I paid $5.56 each. Will have to go back for more now.
Looks like they are $8.49 at Shoppers, by the price tag on the display (pic was taken by Makemeoverande, used with permission). I am not sure about availability/ pricing at Walmart at the moment.
Let me know if you pick up anything from this collection