Remember when I mentioned those hateful mothers who brag about their sleeping babies under the guise of helping other mothers out? (I would link to it but my iPhone blogging app crashes whenever I try to add any rich text formatting). Whenever these mothers opened their pretty little mouths to let me know that someday my baby will sleep because their little one has been sleeping for THIS LONG, I would smile and nod while wondering if a kick in the shins would keep them up at night. It would only be fair considering how I spent my nights.
I mean seriously, I would much rather comiserate with you than listen to your pain-in-the-butt story about your perfect little baby. You’re just not helping.
Well, now I am that pain-in-the-butt mother.
Because my baby? Is a rockstar.
Now Cameron isn’t just any rockstar. He’s not mildly rockin’ like Ke$ha or Hedley. No, he is greater than U2. He is bigger than Bieber.
I am so proud of my son. Sleep training really is paying off. Last night I just laid in bed, revelling in the fact that my baby boy went to bed without even crying. I laid him in his bed, walked out of the room and heard… nothing.
Now, he hasn’t crossed over into the realm of superstardom. He hasn’t figured out how to sustain a career both singing and acting. He still cries a time or two in the middle of the night, but it only lasts a minute or two and I never have to get him until his morning nursing.
So to all the mothers still dreaming about getting their babies to sleep without any hassle and hoping for a full nights sleep – it is possible and it will happen eventually.
Now please don’t kick me in the shins.
Photo taken yesterday with my iPhone
9 months, 1 week old
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Harlech Ct,Markham,Canada