
Roundabout Street Closures & Changes to Rainnie Drive

Thursday, June 18, 2015 (Halifax, NS) – Construction of a new roundabout near the Halifax North Common will continue over the summer, with some streets set to reopen early next week and others in the area closing to facilitate the second phase of work. 

Starting Monday, June 22, North Park Street will reopen to all traffic between Cornwallis and Cogswell streets. Outbound traffic only will be permitted on Cogswell between Bauer and Robie streets. Inbound traffic from Quinpool Road and Robie will not be able to access Cogswell until further notice. 

At the same time, Ahern and Trolloppe streets will close. Crews on site will accommodate traffic needing to access Citadel High School and the adjoining recreation centre. These changes will go into effect after the morning commute on Monday and will remain in place until approximately Aug. 24.

As part of the intersection redesign, Rainnie Drive is being realigned and permanently converted to a one-way street between Cogswell and Gottingen. As of Monday, vehicles travelling toward the downtown will no longer be able to access Rainnie, except local traffic exiting the driveway off of Citadel Hill. This change will ensure the roundabout operates more safely and smoothly, simplifying the intersection from six legs to four.

Halifax Transit buses that normally use Trollope as a layover location between routes will be relocated for the duration of the closure. The municipality has identified space for the buses on the west side of Robie, between Welsford Street and Quinpool, as well as a short section just north of Williams Street.

Temporary “No Stopping” signs will be installed in these areas and in effect from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Residents are advised that vehicles in violation will be towed at the owner’s expense.

The Cogswell roundabout is expected to be operational by late August, pending any weather delays. For more information on the North Park Street Intersection Redesign, visit

Source: Release

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