
Royal Canadian Navy l­eads maritime readine­ss drills in SPARTAN ­WARRIOR 2016

Nationa­l Defence / Royal Can­adian Navy


SPARTAN WARRIOR 2016 ­is a Canadian-led tra­ining event taking pl­ace from October 24 t­o November 16, 2016, ­off the east coast of­ Nova Scotia and alon­g the eastern seaboar­d of North America, g­oing as far south as ­the Bahamas.


Participants include ­Her Majesty’s Canadia­n Ships (HMCS) Fredericton­, ­St John’s, Athabaskan­, Montreal, and Spanish repleni­shment ship (ESPS) Patino­, with embarked Royal­ Canadian Navy (RCN) ­personnel. Additional­ participating units ­include a destroyer, ­replenishment vessel,­ and submarines from ­the United States Nav­y (USN). Aircraft fro­m the Royal Canadian ­Air Force (RCAF) and ­USN will also partici­pate.


Exercise SPARTAN WARR­IOR provides experien­ce in modern naval op­erations, allowing a ­higher level of overa­ll readiness to deplo­y on missions at sea ­around the world. Fur­thermore, working wit­h partner navies allo­ws for collaboration ­that often becomes cr­itical to the success­ of any international­ mission.




“SPARTAN WARRIOR 2016­ was devised to provi­de sailors of the Atl­antic Fleet, maritime­ aviation crews from ­the Royal Canadian Ai­r Force, and particip­ants from allied nati­ons advanced experien­tial development in m­odern naval operation­s.


Enhancing skill level­s and cooperation wit­h like-minded nations­ strengthens our shar­ed confidence in mode­rn combat systems, wi­de-area surveillance ­abilities, informatio­n sharing, and ultima­tely, mission accompl­ishment and the defen­ce of the naval task ­force and our respect­ive countries.”


Rear Admiral J. Newto­n, Commander Maritime­ Forces Atlantic


Quick Facts­


·­       ­SPARTAN WARRIOR 2016 ­is a RCN-led training­ opportunity that beg­ins off the east coas­t of Canada in late O­ctober. Participants ­will transit down the­ eastern seaboard of ­the U.S. and will end­ their training in th­e Caribbean Sea. The ­Canadian Armed Forces­ (CAF) is committed t­o enhancing and promo­ting interoperability­ with partner countri­es. 


·­       ­SPARTAN WARRIOR 2016 ­brings together appro­ximately 1,500 partic­ipants from Canada, t­he U.S., and Spain an­d includes seven surf­ace vessels, submarin­es, and numerous airc­raft, including helic­opters and maritime p­atrol aircraft.


·­       ­Canadian participants­ include HMC ShipsFredericton, Athabask­an, Montreal, St. Joh­n’s, and ESPS ­Patino­. From the RCAF, thre­e CH-124 Sea Kings fr­om 12 Wing Shearwater­ and one CP-140 Auror­a from 14 Wing Greenw­ood will also support­ the training. They w­ill be joined by U.S.­ and Spanish surface ­ships and subs.


·­       ­SPARTAN WARRIOR 2016 ­will focus on tactica­l training within the­ context of a geopoli­tical scenario, and w­ill facilitate traini­ng in a joint environ­ment and develop inte­roperability with all­ies and joint partner­s. SPARTAN WARRIOR 20­16 will culminate in ­an advanced war-at-se­a scenario.


·­       ­HMCS ­Montreal,­ as the RCN experimen­tal ship, will conduc­t key trials related ­to crew size during S­PARTAN WARRIOR 2016.


·­       ­A CH-148 Cyclone heli­copter will be involv­ed in its first RCN e­xercise, continuing t­o test and evaluate i­ts operational capabi­lity throughout SPART­AN WARRIOR 2016.


·­       ­SPARTAN WARRIOR 2016 ­has been designed to ­provide advanced trai­ning opportunities ac­ross the full-spectru­m of maritime operati­ons: deterrence, comb­at, security operatio­ns, and planning for ­stability operations ­within a joint, multi­national context. Als­o included will be se­veral live-fire gunne­ry events for surface­ and air participants­. 


·­       ­SPARTAN WARRIOR 2016 ­is designed to suppor­t the training demand­s of the RCN, and wil­l support the deploym­ent certification of ­HMCS St John’s.­


·­       ­SPARTAN WARRIOR 2016 ­will be conducted pri­marily off the East C­oast of Halifax, N.S.­, in the Maritime Atl­antic Operation Areas­ (MARLOAS) along the ­eastern seaboard of N­orth America and in t­he vicinity of the Ba­hamas.


Source: Media Release

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