Running in Halifax: My love-hate relationship

Saucony running shoes in Halifax, Nova Scotia CanadaI believe that running is a love-hate relationship. Actually, more love than hate because I wouldn’t be pounding the sidewalk if I didn’t get anything out of it. I hate the irritating things like Iliotibial bands and Plantar fasciitis.

In an earlier post I mentioned that I am running in the Hypothermic Half in Halifax. Looking at the forecast for Sunday, the event will live up to its name indeed.

This past week I’ve been thinking about why I run. Here are my top 5 reasons:
1. Feels good – seriously
2. Before run-“Grumpy”, Post run-“Mellow”
3. Weight management
4. Gets you outdoors, even in the dead of winter
5. No gym membership, just need sneakers.

When I’m not running, I obsess about my next run. I try to get out at least three times a week. I am no speedster. I run for me. Though, I kid you not, it would be nice to break my old race times.

Approaching the marathon finish line at the Bluenose International MarathonI credit the Running Room for changing my life (sounds sappy but it’s true). From the Learn to Run to the Full Marathon clinics (I’ve taken them all), they’ve taught me how to run properly and helped me feel good about myself.

This photo is me finishing my first marathon, the Bluenose. There was a time when I watched runners outside my window and thought “they’re nuts”. It is so inspiring to see runners in their fifties and sixties take up running for the first time. By keeping my annoying injuries at bay, I plan to run for a long time.

Looking for a running/walking route?
Gmaps pedometer is amazing and calculates the distance for you.

Upcoming race: The Scotiabank International Bluenose Marathon, the website is now open for registration.

See you on the sidewalk.

Insomnia Shorts: Hawaiian Pizza

Feb 5