
Say Goodbye To The #Sackville Shell Station. What’s Next?

It looks like the old Shell station on Sackville Drive Is about to be flattened or seriously renovated. I wonder what’s in store for this spot? Another Shell? A different station?  Something altogether different? What about the U-Haul part of the biz? Many questions!

I think it’s about time for the old place to go – the missing signage on the overhead canopy drove me nuts! I did hear good things about their garage and I wonder if the owners have plans for another bay or two if another station is planned?

I could probably make a couple calls and get answers but that’s no fun! Why don’t we speculate for a while until someone with knowledge about the spot chimes in?  Yeah, lets do that!

Maybe I’ll sneak in a quick quiz:

How long has this place been in business?

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