One day, after tea with its eccentric owner George, and a great chat, I left my cookbook with him, which would be stamped with their special mark and added to his shelves.
I then went downstairs to browse and purchase something that caught my fancy. I liked the look and sound of “The Museum Guard” and took it away with me…… only to discover the story was set in Halifax, N.S.! I was in Paris leaving a book written in Halifax and accidentally purchased one about Halifax!
This book, now mine, was once a travelling companion to someone who left Paris at 5:50pm on Dec 31, most likely on their way to a New Year’s Eve celebration! Return was January 2.
I then noticed the name…Peter Slade…..
They were tucked into to a page with “stamps as art” that Mr. Pratt had created as a large installation for his dad’s office. His dad loved stamps.
Just two weeks ago, I was in a favourite thrift shop and found an interesting book on Chinese medicine and women. Not what I was looking for but intriguing….
Once home, inside the pages I discovered a beautiful pressed lily!
It was a real gift. I was feeling quite sad that day and this flower felt like a message from a mysterious stranger crossing barriers of time and space. Once upon a time, that flower was bathed in sunlight and danced in the breeze. Again questions…. What was the occasion? Why? What prompted the previous book owner to save the flower? Did they press it and forget? Tangible evidence of a memory, lost to them now but bequeathed to me, creating a new story.