
New resource to help protect against, and deal with, sexual abuse

Marilyn More, lead Minister for the Action Team on Sexual Violence and Bullying, announced the new handbook at the Speak Up! Anti-bullying Conference in Halifax today, Aug 16.

“We have heard from more than 150 people and groups over the past four months through the Action Team.” said Ms. More. “They have told us there is a need for information for victims of sexual violence. We listened and developed this guide.”

The booklet, Sexual Assault, Safety Help and Healing for Teens in Nova Scotia, provides a broad range of information on sexual violence, information on healthy relationships, getting help, the law, the court process and how to offer support to victims. It is also available in French.

“It’s great to see this information available to teens to seek out if they need help, especially with a topic as serious as sexual violence,” said Susan Huntington, a 19-year-old nursing student at Dalhousie. “It is comforting to know that this information is there if need be for myself, my friends or anyone who may need it. The more information, the better.”

Conference participants received the handbook today. It is also available through government and community agencies and online at .

Source: Release

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