
Shipyard contract brings benefits to Atlantic Canada

Geoff Regan, Liberal MP for Halifax West.

Members of the Atlantic Liberal Caucus congratulated the Irving Shipyard in Halifax on winning a massive $25 billion contract that will deliver huge economic benefits for the entire region over the next several decades.

“We are obviously pleased with the results of all the hard work put into this shipbuilding bid and we’re excited about the tremendous economic opportunities it brings to our entire region,” said Sydney-Victoria MP Mark Eyking, Chair of the Liberal Atlantic Caucus.

“The jobs and economic spin offs from this contract will be a big bonus for existing workers and will provide opportunities for young people coming into the workforce,” Mr. Eyking added.

Halifax West MP Geoff Regan, Chair of the Nova Scotia Liberal Caucus, said everyone in the Atlantic region was behind the Irving bid because they recognized how important this work will be to the economy and to ensuring a strong, highly-skilled, workforce is maintained here.

“We felt the Halifax yard and the workers there are world-class and that the merit of this bid would lead to success in the end,” Mr. Regan noted.

He added that there is still a big job ahead.

“We have to continue to work very hard to ensure that this contract does strengthen our regional economy and that, as the bid states, is a plus for the entire country. If done right, this will ensure that going forward Canada has a stable shipbuilding industry that is highly innovative and globally competitive,” he added.

Mr. Eyking said the Liberal Party will continue to apply pressure on Ottawa to ensure the federal government rolls out this work as promised and does not get off track like other highly-touted projects such as the proposed naval support ships or new search and rescue aircraft.


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