
Shoe Porn Monday: Sarah’s Shoe Collection, Part Two

AllyG: It is Sunday. I am hungover. Every time my fingers hit the keyboard it sounds like Dina Lohan screaming in my ear. I am committed to bringing you your Monday shoe fix, so without further ado I present part two of Sarah’s shoe collection. These photos are almost as yummy as ibuprofen.

White Floral: Transit. I take it back to Barbie, I have always wanted to host a Garden Party and when I do, these will be on my feet. (Ally: When I saw these, my first thought was, “OUTRAGEOUS!” Outrageous in a good way of course. My second thought was:

Yah, no idea either. I’ll come to your garden party, Sarah. It would be an honour.)

Silver: Winners. Trend check: Metallic, yep. Faux reptile, yep. (Ally: Aw,they’re kissing)

Chinese Laundry: Winners. Nope, I don’t wear them before the 2-4 weekend, or after Labour Day. Won’t do it, no matter how many articles are written that say you can.

Black Moc Crocs: Winners. Watch out Cornell, I will wear these CFM heels whenever I damn well please. (Ally: I just laughed so hard I almost brought up last night’s bottle small glass of wine).

Gold: The Bay. Yep the Bay, and yep I bought it for one occassion and haven’t worn them since. But it was for a Madonna concert, so its allowable.

Carton: Transit. I bought these awhile ago and don’t remeber really ever wearing them to be honest…(Ally: These shoes remind me of that Pink video…

And I like Pink, so that’s a Care Bear Sunshine comment from moi!)

Brown: Aldo. I liked the sequence flower, I like the suede, these just never seem to pop out of the closet at me (yet obviously, they popped off the store shelves and into my hands)

Pirate: Internet. Are pirate shoes needed? (yes, rhetorical question)

Animal d’orsay: Internet. Ok, I lied. It turns out I need to have more than one pair of animal print shoes..

Blue metallic: Vegas. Remeber that shoe store from Vegas? Well these were my 100th pair of shoes bought and a picture was taken at the store. And the employees all stared.

Ally: Hold up. You bought 100 pairs of shoes at one store? In Vegas? That is all kinds of awesome.

Big ups to Sarah for showcasing her wares. It takes a lot of time to pull out your shoes and take photos, we get that. So thank you for making us, our readers and the people who land on our site searching for “leggings ass” very happy!

As for me, I’m off to shove as many chicken burgers in my face as possible. It’s going to be very, very ugly if my husband forgot to put my fries in the oven to go with dinner. Ugly like when Beau caught Hope and John in bed together on Days of our Lives:

The acting by Hope in this segment is truly extraordinary. The way she lays on the bed repeatedly saying, “Beau, no!” and covering her face while her lover gets pummelled is so inspired.

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