
Shoe Porn Monday: The Swagged by Beachmint edition

L-A: So, remember how Ally said we got free shoes and stuff in the mail from (because it now ships to Canada)? Well, today’s the day we review that swag!

What we got:

– shoes from

– a ring from

– a tshirt from

Let’s start with the shoes, which are designed by  Summer Roberts Rachel Bilson and stylist Nicole Chavez and then made by the folks behind your Steve Maddens. I received the Jolly pair, which is just another name for Suede Bootie with a Serious Fucking Wedge. I kid you not about the wedge. My feet weren’t even sure how to deal, since (as mentioned in my New Year’s Resolutions) I usually just go for the flats. Instead of me telling you about them, look at my attempt to be one of those bloggers who takes pictures of her own clothes and then interview myself:

Shoe Porn Monday: The Swagged by Beachmint edition

Would you buy them in real life: No, but I’m a cheap wimp when it comes to shoes. I rarely buy fun, impractical shoes. I definitely never buy suede (because Halifax has only three days of a year when you won’t kill your suede shoe).

But would you spend $80 on them if you weren’t a cheap wimp? Yeah, I probably would.

Would you wear them in real life: Hells to  the yes. I was surprised by how much I like them. In fact, I totally plan on wearing them at work tomorrow.

What will you wear them with? I could use some new jeans that will allow me to show them off. The pair I wore in the photo are the only ones I can roll up like that and they’re not really working (mostly because they’re too big. Thank you, Weight Watchers). I’m also going to try them out with tights and a skirt. I could wear them with my jeans not rolled up, but then you don’t get to see all the awesome of the suede bootie with a serious wedge.

Are they comfortable? Jury is still out as I’ve only worn them around the house. I’m now convinced Rachel Bilson never walks anywhere. Instead she uses the money from OC residuals to pay for a man servant to carry her about. Because I don’t think I could walk too far in these. But I think they’ll be a good office or party shoe.

Anything else you’d like to tell us about them? Bonus points for making me feel super tall. I wore them while making breakfast and I totally had a better view of the shelf in the cupboard where we keep the spices. I credit these shoes with helping me find the cinnamon this morning.

Would you buy more shoes from I think I would. The ones I would have bought from their current collection came free in the mail. But I’ve signed up, taken the quiz that determines my style and I’m going to watch for the next cute pair of shoes to come down the pike.

One more thing, why only feet shots? Because I hadn’t showered yet and I wanted to get good lighting outside. Hell, I hadn’t even put my wedding band on yet. But I will add, I did make a minor spectacle of myself in front of passing neighbours.

Now on to the offering. Take a look at me pretending to tie up my laces:

Oh, you know, easy like Sunday morning as I stand on a park bench.

See the ring? Okay, that bad boy is from and I’m pretty much in love.

 Would you have bought the ring in real life? Totally. You know I love big rings.

Would you have paid $30 for it? Probably. I think $30 is très fair for cute costume jewelry.

Will you spend any of your only money at Oh yes. The real trouble is keeping myself from spending too much. While $80 for shoes is reasonable, you can easily talk yourself out of spending that much. But spending $30? That’s easy! I spend that much on drinks on a Saturday night! So of course I will. Especially when the following is being offered:


How is it I haven’t already bought all three??

So, is Kate Bosworth your new style icon? Let’s not push it. Ally can keep K.Bo. But I will say this, points to Bosworth on this round.

Now on to the t-shirt from I’ve got no pictures for you only because this shirt was a bit too small on me. So I’ll let Ally give you a proper review. But it was a black and red stripe (so I’m sad I can’t wear it to work tomorrow) and the fabric did feel super comfy when I had it on. I may pass it on to an intern or unpaid staff member and let them review it for me. I’ll get back to you.

Ally: Swag from was the winner for me. It’s a good day when you feel like you could go up to Nicole Richie in a club and she would nod at your t-shirt and buy you a Manhattan.

First off, the shirts are designed by Mary Kate and Ashley. So, I’m obviously in. Secondly, it’s tie dye – and wearable tie dye at that. Any clothes for me these days have to be wearable (which will bring me to the shoes in a moment), so I tested the shirt and ring out on a trip to the Seaport Market in downtown Halifax proper. Gossip Girl I’m not, but I felt good.

It fit really well, which means it was not too short and just long enough. Nothing pisses me off more these days than a shirt that I can’t wear with a belt. I can only wear so many skinny jeans and long shirt type ensembles. What happened to jeans and an effing belt? Also? The comfort component was off the chart. I would sleep in this shirt if it wasn’t disrespectful to MK and Ash.

I didn’t get a close up of the ring, but it’s the exact same as the one L-A depicts above, and I agree with all of her statements. I adore it, I would pay for it, and I will wear it at least two to three times a week.

Ok, the shoes from I can’t say mine are as “functional” as L-A’s. I like crazy shoes, I really do, but these were almost Lady Gaga crazy. I had some neighbours over for drinks during the holidays and I put them on for shits and giggles. My husband is around the same height as me, but in these shoes we were Bedford’s Tom and Katie.


I didn’t get photos, mostly because I was drinking and finding the camera seemed less important than finding my wine, but I do promise to wear these out and take photographic evidence. Here they are on Summer Roberts:

I mean, they’re STUNNING…


The bottom line is that I would wear these, probably on a solo night out on the town (meaning with the girls, sans husband), possibly with my leather *cough* pleather leggings and a sparkly dress.As for comfort, I actually didn’t find them that bad. My neighbour L tried them on as well and agreed that while they look as scary as an episode of Wife Swap with Gary Busey, they’re surprisingly well balanced.

It was really fun to review these items, and again, I’m in love with the shirt. It made this suburbanite feel like she was bringing a little bit more sass to the sausage stand (I WAS AT THE MARKET PEOPLE).


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