
Shoe Porn Mondays: Return to Eden

Eden: Oh I am HILARIOUS, aren’t I?

The ladies said they were hard up for shoe porn, and I felt so bad I went out and bought a bunch of new shoes. That’s a lie, I had already bought them, but I like it better the other way. I feel it shows commitment to the cause.

The point is, I have not only a bunch of new shoes since we last spoke, but also a new shoe storage system. Check it:

Oh, IKEA.  You are so good to me always.

These are the recent acquisitions. They are all thifted!

The Who’s That Girl ankle-straps are going to be the shoes I wear all summer, I predict. I love the Delicious peep-toes even though they are just a higher version of my beloved Weitzmans. The Ferragammos were an ill-advised Ebay puchase, I thought they were classic ballet flats but actually no, and also they don’t fit. Anyone want them?

AllyG: Thank Britney for Eden, because she’s right, we’re flat out of porn and that’s not good for anyone. She’s an incredible Official Intern, as is reader Krista who reminds us each week when Gossip Girl is on. Although, to be honest, I am completely off that crap show. If it  wasn’t for the “traditional” glass(es) of wine I pour for the weekly episode I would stop watching all together.

Also, before I judge Eden’s shoes, I’m going to remind you about the FPQT birthday party being held this Thursday night (April 15) at Mosiac on Argyle St. from 5pm to 6:30pm. I’ve had many concerned emails/messages from friends worried about what to wear. This caused L-A and I to be worried about what we will wear. So, for the record, we think you are all gorgeous and we will not be judging you (silently or otherwise). Unless you pull a Tara Reid nip-slip, then you will be judged. Loudly. In front of everyone.

Let’s get to Eden’s shoes! Girl’s been busy. I like it. My fave? J’adore the pink boots from Spring. I’ve already imagined myself wearing them in several outfits. And I like what I see.

L-A is unable to be with us today, she’s busy trying to piece together monkey limbs that are scattered all over her living room. Curious? She’ll be at Halifax Crafters next Saturday:

I’m being so mysterious about L-A’s craft! Ok! I’ll tell you! She makes adorable sock monkeys, they are precious and make killer gifts. My son has one, we call it “sockie the sock monkey”…creative, I know.  The hangover from our birthday party should be straightened out by Saturday, so it would be fantabulous if you could come out and support L-A and of course, all of the other talented people. I’m biased though, I think L-A is the most talented of all. Swooon.  This moment from one of my favourite Rom Coms ever is brought to you by my love for L-A:

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