
Sickie Poo

Woke up still feeling icky, so I opted for a day on the couch.

There was green tea involved.


Along with some yogurt, berries & a little whip cream.

They kitty cats kept me company while I started the 5th season of Beverley Hills 90210.    I’m half way there.  #Summerof90210 is almost over, looks like it’s going to turn into the #Fallof92010.

Back to the kettle.

As you can still, I still managed to have a bit of fun with the new lens. 😉

Left over pizza for lunch, warmed in the oven so it wasn’t soggy.  The last handful of cherry tomatoes. Booooo.  🙁

If you’re just catching up from the weekend, here are some quick links:

Not much is new with me.  I really despise being sick and am super whiney and boo-hooey.  I was supposed to meet Conny for coffee and go to the gym tonight, now I’m staying home.  🙁

I’m going for more tea now.  Catch you all later.

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