A site has been selected and approved for a new, modern school to replace LeMarchant-St. Thomas Elementary School in Halifax.
The school will be built on the existing property, as submitted by the Halifax Regional School Board and approved by Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Karen Casey.
“The current site represents the best option for students, teachers and staff,” said Ms. Casey. “We want to ensure that the students of LeMarchant-St. Thomas have access to a leading edge learning facility as soon as possible.”
The Halifax Regional School Board will now establish a school steering team to begin the planning and design process.
“We are so pleased that the site has been selected and that students and staff will remain in the location that is best for the community,” said Melinda Daye, chair of the Halifax Regional School Board. “Now the exciting part begins: planning a learning facility that will reflect all students’ needs.”
The site approval will also allow the board to start working with the school community to plan for the relocation of the students currently attending LeMarchant-St. Thomas Elementary in September 2016. This will allow students to continue their studies while the new school is under construction.
Source: Release