
Smart Chicks Kick Tour Coming to Dartmouth

The Smart Chicks Kick Tour of YA Authors is coming to the Dartmouth Chapters this Sunday, September 16th at 2 pm. The event will feature live music, prizes, games and the following six, popular paranormal/fantasy YA authors:

Kelley Armstrong  (M)
(author of the Darkest Powers and Darkness Rising series)
Melissa Marr (M) (author of the Wicked Lovely series and the new Carnival of Souls)
Melissa de la Cruz (M)
(author of the Blue Bloods series)
Charles de Lint (M)
(author of various standalone fantasy novels including the 2012 novel, Under My Skin)
Sarah Rees Brennan (M)
(author of the Demon’s Lexicon series and the new books: Team Human and Unspoken)

Jeri Smith-Ready (M)
(author of the Shade Trilogy)
For more information, see:

(includes downloadable event posters)


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