
Something Old is New Again and Honey Nut Cheerios Hearty Oat Crunch and 25 FPC Coupons


General Mills asked a number of us bloggers to share something we have remade, or found a new use for. If you have followed Common Cents Mom long enough you know I am a thrift store and garage sale hound and I really do hate to throw things out.

This has definitely been passed on to my daughter, she has been remaking things since she was young. Even in grade 1 she was already creating toy towns out of recycled goods. Every time there are recycled good in our house she finds a way to use them, often using them to create houses for her stuffed animals.

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When it comes General Mills they have done a much finer job in revamping an old cereal and making it new. This week General Mills is launching several new products and well the Honey Nut Cheerios Crunch is a wonderful new addition to their extensive line.


General Mills sent my family a box to let us try the new cereal, and well the box is empty and the cereal has been declared a winner, especially by my teen. Now guess what 25 of my readers can get a box for themselves to try! How is that for a freebie? Simply fill out the link and a box will be on the way. While you are here you could always let me know what are your favorite things to remake.

Don’t get a box here, don’t worry you can get a find out more about coupons on the Life Made Delicious Facebook Page.

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