
Something to Chew On

Two new sites I’ve become mildly obsessed with : Videogum and Stereogum

I had recently lamented about the state of the playlist on my Creative Zen. I was lost! Depending on top 40 stations (two of which now bless the Halifax soundscape, aren’t we fortunate) for new music is good for maybe 3-4 songs a season, but that’s it. And those songs have very short shelf-life on the “songs that don’t annoy the snot out of me” list. 
Enter Stereogum. I’ve only been perusing this site for the past couple of days but it’s already expanded my Indie music vocbulary significantly. So to help you, dear reader, here’s a list that will like, totally blow your mind, or not… whatever… (clicking the names will send you to the youtube videos… do it…)
My Morning Jacket – I’m Amazed
MGMT – Electric Feel
Blitzen Trapper – Furr and Wild Mountain Nation
Frightened Rabbit – My Backwards Walk 
The Constantines – Soon Enough
Bon Iver – Skinny Love 
Not to be outdone is Videogum, which has significantly expanded my “viral video” vocabulary, and I couldn’t be happier. So go here to see the virals that captured the inattention of the masses in 2008.
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