
London Baby!


As many of you know, I’m making a HUGE life change this week.  Today is my last day at my job, I’ve given up my apartment for the end of the month and I’m leaving my best friend (Coco) behind for 6 months to go to London, UK.

The main question I keep getting asked by people is “why?” and to that I say “WHY NOT?”!!

I haven’t really travelled much in my life.  I’ve lived in most of Eastern Canada (ON, QUE, NB, NS, PEI) and travelled all over the US, but I want to see the rest of the world.  I want to go to London and Ireland and Scotland and Prague and Paris and anywhere else I can get to while I can.  I wasn’t one of those people who took time off after high school or college to do some travelling.  I went from high school, to college, to my first fulltime career job, a week after my 20th birthday.  So this is “why” I’m leaving for London!

While I’m over there it’s not going to be all fun and travelling for Scott, I’ll be working as well.  I landed some contract work as a designer already and I want to put a lot more effort in to and make it more than just a blog.  I want to do some online personal training, do some training videos, do more recipes and nutrition tips, have more experts writing for me in an “Ask the Experts” type of format and have the site be more of a hub for people to come to help themselves and get support from others.  The blog is obviously still going to be my main concern, but I feel like this site can be so much more and I have big goals for it.  I’m also going to re-launch “untitled design” and tie it in to as a niche design/branding/development/marketing company for the fitness/healthy living/nutrition /wellness industries and put a lot of focus on that.  I’m also hoping to get in to a gym or two over there and do some personal training.  If I need to get certifications specific for the UK, it’s something I’m willing to do.

So there it is folks, the why’s and how’s of me going to London.  I’m still waiting on my Visa to get approved and I have no idea when that’s happen, but I do know that as of today I’m jobless and as of Sunday I’m homeless, so I hope it comes soon!

I’ve given up almost everything and I’m risking everything, but I hope that in the long run it all works out for me and that it’s all worth it!

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