
Yoga kicked my ass!!??


Wow, I feel like a wuss just writing that in the title, but it’s true!

I’m no yoga guy (I think the correct term may be “Yogi”, like the bear) but I’ve decided that I’m going to use some of the money from my Big Day Downtown to go to some yoga classes at 108 yoga (If you watched my most recent video post, you’ll see I was torn between yoga and beer). They offer an introductory month of unlimited yoga for $54 (+tax) so that’s what I got. I’ll talk more about this in my official Big Day Downtown post, so let’s move on to the part about me being a wuss.

I’ve done yoga here and there over the past few years, but it’s never been anything I’ve done on a regular basis, maybe 10 times total, if that. I’ve gone to yoga alone (I’m not ashamed to admit it was in hopes of meeting girls, yoga girls are hot). I’ve gone with female friends. I’ve gone with one of my guy friends (who made me look very coordinated) and now I’m going with my girlfriend. We’re taking these different yoga classes together and I think I now know how she feels when she weight trains with me. Not to say that she’s not great in the weight room, but more along the lines that I’ve been weight training regularly for 3 years so I know what I’m doing without having to be shown anything or without feeling awkward and she’s new to weight training, so she’s learning.

When I’m doing yoga, I feel like (I’m trying to choose a politically correct metaphor here but can’t) I’m really uncoordinated and doing everything wrong. I can’t get the breathing down right, I don’t know any of the posses by name or how to get in to them, and I feel like everyone else is judging me (although I think they all have their eyes closed, even though I don’t). Also, I’m not really the “relax your mind and body” kind of guy. If you know me, you know I’m ALWAYS full tilt and on the go, all the time. So, all of this yoga stuff is new, strange and unusual to me. Plus, with all of the deep breathing and twisting and stuff, it’s REALLY hard not to fart!!

All of that being said, I think I’m starting to like it…

I’m not sure if I’m starting to like it because today I’m sore from my yoga workout last night and I never in a million years thought that was actually possible (There were no weights? Why the hell are my muscles sore?) or if it’s because the instructor/owner of 108 Yoga, Dorothy, has been really helpful and patient with me. Maybe it’s both. All I know is that she gave me a good core ass kicking last night. My abs hurt, my hips are sore, my glutes feel like someone use them as a bongo drum and even my shoulders are sore.

I’m now no longer a doubter of what yoga can do as a workout and I now no longer believe that it’s only women who should do yoga (terrible, I know) and I’m looking forward to more yoga classes over the next two weeks to help me improve on my “downward facing dog” and my “pigeon” poses… Was that right? So if you’re a dude (or even a girl) who thinks that yoga is for hippies or wusses, think again. Get your ass to the “Core Strength” or “Flow” classes at 108 Yoga and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

As a side note, for any other guys out there who want to try and learn some yoga but are scared to do it in a class, try watching my friend Ryan’s video “Beginning Yoga With Bieber”. I learned a lot from it!

Filed under: Blog, Fitness

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