
Blog: A Weekend of Guilty Pleasures…

Over Christmas (and the month leading up to it) I kind of slacked off with the gym.  I was still eating well but over the 10 days I took off for the holidays and I managed to put on 10 lbs in those 10 days.  This kind of pissed me off and was a nice kick in the butt to get back at it.

Since January 2nd, I’ve been hitting the gym pretty hard and starting to get back into the groove of things.  I’ve been eating well and treating myself well.  I joined the X-Weighted National Challenge where I’ve challenged myself to do 100 pushups consecutively.  I started playing hockey again.  I’m back into volleyball a bit and I had a plan to not drink for the month of January.  I was down 4 lbs in those two weeks and saw my muscle mass and definition starting to come back and I was feeling fantastic.

This past weekend we ended up doing a “games night” at a friends place.  It was SO much fun!  Hanging out playing “Things in a box…” and “Apples to Apples” with like-minded pervs that I hadn’t seen since before Christmas was a blast!  Lots of laughs and lots of good times.

Unfortunately, it meant I fell off a few wagons… I bought a bottle of red wine because you can’t do games night without red wine. I ate half a pizza.  Someone decided to leave the chips in front of me, so I ate half the bowl.  And yesterday, I had a Jr. Chicken from McDicks… GROSS! (but sooooo good, ha ha!).  Today I’m feeling pretty gross about all of this and have some feelings of guilt and regret. On top of all the crap I ate, I didn’t get to the gym once over the weekend either.

The reason I’m telling you all of this is because these are things that we all face every day and to let you know that no one is perfect, I don’t care who you are.  If you succumb to a weekend like I just did, the key is to move past them and leave them in that weekend or day or meal or wherever you did when “cheated”.

We all fall off the wagon once in a while and to be honest, I believe it’s good for you to do on occasion.  The key is what you choose to do next to move on from a weekend of guilty pleasures.  I’m not going to think to myself “Dammit, I screwed up so I might as well just keep eating like crap and not going to the gym”.  What I’m going to do now is make sure I get back to eating well and hitting the gym and playing my sports.  Once I do, I know I’ll feel great again. It’s that simple.  Don’t let one weekend or day or meal ruin something good you’ve got going on.

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