
Feelin’ like a yo-yo…

Last week I wrote a post about overcoming adversity and talked about how I was trying to turn everything around even though there was a shit storm flying around me. It was the first post I’ve done that talked about my personal life in depth and I felt good about sharing all of that with you. I’ve been torn about opening up a window into my personal life because … ummm … I really have no good reason, to be honest, so here I am, going with another personal post about yours truely and my day to day struggles with the gym and eating well.

I’ve been really up and down lately with my workouts and my diet and really just with everything in my life. My workouts from Monday to Wednesday have been suffering because I’ve been going out on the weekends and I’m so tired and burnt out that I have to force myself to workout. But then Thursday, Friday and Saturday, I bust my ass to make up for it, and then do it all over again. I eat really well all week and then Saturday night hits and after a night at the bar, we hit up pizza corner or Freemans and I’m eating pizza and/or a poutine. I know this is the stuff you’re “suppose” to do when fresh out of a long-term relationship, but I feel like it’s killing me slowly. I need to get back to being happy, both mentally and physically and it’s all starting soon… I hope.

I want to clear one thing up while writing this post; I don’t share this with you to get sympathy or to whine or bitch about my life. I’m sharing this with you because I know that everyone struggles with these things too. I’m not foolish enough to think that I’m the only one who has hard times with their lives and their diet and in the gym. This is actually how most “real people” are. My biggest issue with a lot of healthy bloggers and writers is that they try to make themselves look like they’re perfect to the rest of the world. That they don’t screw up and eat some pizza or miss a workout or go out and get drunk. Hey, maybe they are perfect and don’t do any of these things, but you know what, the rest of the world isn’t perfect and we do screw up and need to know that others do too. This is why I share this with you.

Filed under: Blog Tagged: Motivation

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