
Runners come in all shapes and sizes!

[I started with the purpose of helping people realize they aren’t alone when it comes to the struggles associated with weight loss and to help motivate people and inspire them in their attempts to get healthy.  I realized quickly in writing this blog that I can only say so much myself and that I was going to need some help.  In realizing this I decided to seek out Personal Trainers, Nutritionists, Cooks and success stories of others who have successfully lost weight and attained their goals to write on my site.

With that being said, here is the first success story to be featured on  Please allow me to introduce Amy Muldoon from the blog Amy’s Quest to Skinny.]

Hi there! My name is Amy, and I’m the writer behind Amy’s Quest to Skinny.

If you would have told me 10 years ago that I would be running my tenth half marathon this year, I wouldn’t believe you. I was the kid in high school that although athletic, loathed gym class because I hated running 2 laps of the track as a warm up. I was the kid that pretended I had “girl troubles” on the day of the 12 minute fitness test. I hated running.

I entered my third year of university weighing 267 lbs. When the ball dropped on December 31st, 2002 I made the resolution to lose weight and to run a race.

I am lucky enough to live in Ottawa, Ontario which is filled with scenic trails that are populated with runners even in the dead of winter when temperatures drop far below zero. I always looked on with envy, thinking I’d never be one of those hardcore runners… but lo and behold, I’m NOW one of those crazy runners!

The day that changed my life forever, was quite possibly the day I signed up for my first clinic at the Running Room. I was terrified. I didn’t have proper running shoes. I was clad in Umbro shorts and a cotton t-shirt. But what terrified me the most was the fact I weighed 220 lbs.

I was certain I didn’t have the long and lean look of a runner.

I thought people would laugh at me.

I kept trying to tell myself I was making a huge mistake, and that I was not in the proper shape to be a runner.

Much to my surprise, there were people of all ages, shapes and sizes that signed up for that exact same clinic that I’m sure had the same concerns I did. Together we formed an incredible bond, and learned to RUN. By following a group training program, we learned proper running techniques, appropriate footwear, correct nutrition and slowly built a running base to complete a 10k race at the end of the clinic.

I ran my first race in September 2003 at about 200 lbs and eventually reached 100lbs lost a year later.

In the last 7 years my weight has fluctuated by about 30 pounds, but one thing hasn’t fluctuated at all and that is my love for running.

The moral of the story, is that runners really do come in all shapes and sizes. I often see a questionable look on people’s faces when I tell them I run. The fact of the matter is, I will never weigh 120 lbs but I will always be a runner.

Posted in Success Stories Tagged: Fitness, Guest Post

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