Menu Goes Live!

Well boys and girls, I’ve been talking about launching a fitness blog for a while now, and here she is. YourInnerSkinny. I’m still getting a lot of things under wraps and the ideas are just starting to actually come together, but I’m happy with everything so far.

What I’m working on right now:

A logo.  A Twitter account.  A blog (which I’m obviously starting right now).  Guest writers.  Workouts.  Restaurant reviews.  Recipes.  And lots more!

What I want this blog to be:

I want this to be a place where people come to learn about living healthy, taking care of themselves and getting fit as well as for people to tell and share their success stories!

I’ll be blogging about great websites to reference, iPhone/iPod touch apps, recipes, workouts and lots more.

About me and what I have to offer:

I’ve got a lot of friends who do this professionally that are going to help me along the way and I’m also going to pull on my own experiences.  I’ve personally lost 100 lbs and have lots of tips and tricks to help you get to where you want to be as well.  I’m still trying to get back to where I want to be, so I’ll be talking about what I’m doing to get back in shape; what I’m eating, my workouts and anything else that helps me get there.

This is the first of many posts and I’ll be tweeting quite a bit as well, so please follow me on Twitter and keep coming back for more as I progress.


Posted in About, Blog

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