Spryfield food bank requires volunteer drivers

It appears the Halifax transit strike is "getting closer" to being resolved. That's great news for a lot of people around town. However, I'll post this note from a food bank in Spryfield anyhow, because they can ALWAYS use more volunteers of any kind (not just during the strike). St. Paul's Family Resources Institute, which is attached to the St. Paul's Spryfield United Church at 173 Old Sambro Rd (477-3937) is seeking volunteer drivers to ferry food and food bank clients around while buses are not running. The food bank hours are Wednesdays between 1-3, but some of the clients like to come earlier and wait. The bank needs drivers to and from. So far they have had one volunteer to drive people home, but they do have some that find it a struggle even to get here. Call or email Kristen Hollery at khollery_stpaulsfri@hotmail.com...

It appears the Halifax transit strike is “getting closer” to being resolved. That’s great news for a lot of people around town. However, I’ll post this note from a food bank in Spryfield anyhow, because they can ALWAYS use more volunteers of any kind (not just during the strike).
St. Paul’s Family Resources Institute, which is attached to the St. Paul’s Spryfield United Church at 173 Old Sambro Rd (477-3937) is seeking volunteer drivers to ferry food and food bank clients around while buses are not running. The food bank hours are Wednesdays between 1-3, but some of the clients like to come earlier and wait. The bank needs drivers to and from. So far they have had one volunteer to drive people home, but they do have some that find it a struggle even to get here. Call or email Kristen Hollery at khollery_stpaulsfri@hotmail.com

Source: http://www.outsidethecircle.ca/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=309:spryfield-food-bank-requires-volunteer-drivers&catid=1:latest-news&Itemid=50

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