
SRA Meeting – new silt prevention techniques

The Sackville Rivers Association next monthly meeting takes place October 6. For more information visit

Hi All,

This months talk will be on the topic of modern storm water management techniques and practices. I will be speaking about new practices and equipment which are currently available to use in the development of land.

Such current techniques and equipment can allow land to be more fully developed as well as addressing issues such as sedimentation of natural bodies of water and ground water recharge.

Indeed, when considering such techniques, it is possible to design for “net – zero” storm water run-off. I will not only discuss this from an engineering stand point, but am willing to entertain questions on the practices of other Atlantic municipalities and governing bodies.

As I have had some experience in dealing with designers, municipalities, and private developers, I feel this would more fully round out your proposed discussion.

I have been working for Soleno Inc. in the field of storm water management, and drainage for some five years now. During this time, I have worked as a Technical Service Engineer. In this position, I am often asked to speak to groups like yours, as well as trade groups, consulting engineers, municipalities, and other stakeholders.

I often work to further refine design solutions proposed by such groups, as well as offering technical support to both Soleno’s customers and private developers. In this role, I endeavour to propose leading edge design concepts which are both cost effective and environmentally sensitive.

I am currently sitting on my hometown environment committee (Town of Hampton, NB), and as such work to ensure protection of our local watershed while addressing other municipal environmental concerns.

In the past, I have held the position of Chairmen of the International Distributor Committee, with the Plastic Pipe Institute. As well, I have held a chair on the Municipal and Industrial Management Committee at the PPI, whilst maintaining this position at PPI; I worked on the Editorial and Technical Review Committee for “The Engineering Handbook of Polyethylene Pipe”, as well as maintaining a chair on the International Education and Marketing Committee.

As part of my involvement with the Plastic Pipe Institute and other industry groups, I was often ask to speak on behalf of the plastic pipe industry and my employer. My speaking engagements range from formal PPI Continuing Education Courses, to Dalhousie University School of Engineering, University of New Brunswick School of Engineering, New Brunswick Community College School of Civil Technology, Holland College School of Building Technology, Government of Prince Edward Island Depart of Public Works and Infrastructure Renewal, PEI Heavy Construction and Road Builders Conference, Maritime Provinces Water and Waste Water Association Conference, Center for Advancement of Trenchless Technology Conference at TUNS, and many other such groups and conferences.

Often such speaking engagements are of an entirely educational nature, while other times I have published and presented formal studies and papers on infrastructure renewal, storm water management and trenchless technology, to name few topics.

I have had papers and studies published with several of the above mentioned groups, as well as authored several technical documents of note for the PPI.

Please feel free to contact me at your convenience;


Stephen McCormick, BSc. Civil Engineering, P.Eng
Technical Service Engineer
Soleno Inc.
Phone: 506 650-5661


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