Starving Student Budgeting Tips The fall semester is in full swing and that means it’s time to start living a starving student lifestyle. Whether it’s your first time away from home or the last year of your studies, the key to a student’s financial survival is budgeting. It’s the gateway to a stress reduced school year. Here are five budgeting tips to help kick start your school year. Expense budget: To get you started here is an example of a student budget: Budget template. A budget helps you to stay on track and reduces your anxiety about money. You will know exactly how much money you can spend every month in order to make your student loan last all year. Party Smart College and university campuses have bars that are eager for your business. The possibilities are endless. It’s easy to succumb to the student party lifestyle. To help you combat the temptation here are a few suggestions: – Buy your beverages at a liquor store and have friends over. It’s cheaper and safer. – Visit your campus student services desk and ask for their suggestions on affordable places to socialize. Student services are always planning fun activities that are usually free and a great way to make new friends. Get a part-time job: I know it can be hard to study and hold down a part-time job, but it can be done with a little bit of balance. There are lots of on campus part-time jobs that will carter to your schedule. For example: alumni fundraising. You can work in the alumni donations call center. It’s a simple and easy way to make some extra mad money. Talk to student services to find job opportunities. Be a frugal shopper: – Retro and vintage are back in style which is great news for students. Instead of spending a $100 on a pair of yoga pants, why not head down to your local Sally Ann or Frenchys for your digs. You will be surprised at what people give away. – Student discount days. Local grocery stores are great for doing this. Do your research to see who else provides discounts, is a great resource. Look for free money Too many students do not take advantage of grants, bursaries and scholarships, usually because of the lengthy application process. This is where your student finance office can help. They will do the hard part for you, by hosting training sessions on how to apply. Do yourself a favor and attend these sessions. You will be surprised at the amount of money you might be eligible for. You can also contact your provincial student loan office for help. With a little pre-plan budgeting, you can set yourself up for amazing student experience. Good luck. Share & Bookmark This Story! Bookmark on Delicious StumbleUpon Google BookmarksTip’d