
Steak & Stein & Human Decency

I heard this story about a 17 year old that was a Bus Boy at the Young St. Steak & Stein. Between Christmas and New Years a patron came into the Steak & Stein was seated, given water and their order was taken.

The patron was rough around the edges and appeared to be a street person, but not obviously under any influence. At some point the person spilt their water, the Bus Boy doing his job went over to cleanup, but at this point the Manager intervened. They had observed this patron being on site so The Manager stopped the Bus Boy and told him that they don’t provide homeless people any kind of service. The Bus Boy proceeded to help the person cleanup and told the Manager he doesn’t want to work for assholes and quit. The patron was told to leave and did so quietly.

Not that I probably ever was going to patronize the Steak and Stein but I for sure won’t now, the person probably saved up enough money to buy a “nice hot meal” over the holidays. As for the Bus Boy it’s great to see a sense of right in youth, and that was a bridge worth burning. I understand he plans to go to PEI next year to train to be a police officer when he finishes high school. For now I think he did the right thing.

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