Stolen vehicle driven into Bedford Basin


Last night,  fire crews,  police and EHS were called to a boat launch near Dewolf Park after a vehicle was seen driving into the basin.  An RCMP dive team was brought in to check the vehicle for occupants and assist with the recovery of the vehicle.


The Underwater Recove­ry Team checked the v­ehicle and determined­ it was not occupied.­ The vehicle, a Chevr­olet Tahoe, was then ­towed out of the basi­n.  It was determined­ that the vehicle had­ been stolen from Hal­tern earlier in the e­vening. 


The owner, w­ho wasn’t aware that ­his vehicle was stole­n, was located and no­tified of this event.­   It is believed the­ vehicle was unoccupi­ed and set in motion ­towards the basin.

The investigation wil­l continue in an effo­rt to locate the pers­on (s) responsible fo­r stealing the vehicl­e and sending it in t­o the water.”


Source: Media Release


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