
Storm surge warning (Posted 9am Sep 15 2023)

Environment Canada release:

8:47 AM ADT Friday 15 September 2023

People near the coast should monitor for worsening conditions and be prepared to move to a safer location at a moment’s notice.

Impacts from storm surge are expected, including coastal flooding, beach erosion, infrastructure damage, spread of coastal debris, and localized coastal road washouts.

Locations: Atlantic coast of Mainland Nova Scotia, especially south-facing shorelines.

Maximum Water Levels: exceeding high astronomical tide, with water inundating vulnerable sections of coastline.

Maximum wave heights: 8 to 12 metres, breaking 4 to 6 metres upon approach to shore.

Time span: Saturday morning until Saturday night. Worst near high tide.

First high tide: 6 A.M. to 10 A.M. Saturday.

Second high tide: 7 P.M. Saturday  to 11 P.M. Saturday.

Remarks: Be sure to follow any instructions issued by local authorities.

Storm surge warnings are issued when water levels pose a threat to coastal regions.

Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to or tweet reports using #NSStorm.

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