
Strengthening Supports for Nova Scotias Children and Families, Spryfield

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Families living in the Spryfield area of Halifax Regional Municipality will gain access to the Parenting Journey program as part of Stronger Families Nova Scotia, a provincial expansion of support for parents and children.

Brendan Maguire, MLA Halifax Atlantic, on behalf of Community Services Minister Joanne Bernard, announced the new location for the program today, Feb. 22.

“The Parenting Journey program will add to what is already an outstanding set of services offered by the Chebucto Family Centre,” said Mr. Maguire. “Families who are in need of support will now have somewhere to turn for positive results.”

Community Services is enhancing prevention and early intervention programs in child welfare. The goal is to work closer with community partners to meet the diverse needs of families in need of support. Working with families earlier makes it possible to identify problems, strengths and solutions before more serious situations develop.

“The Chebucto Family Centre is thrilled to be receiving the Parenting Journey program in Spryfield. The program allows us to enhance service delivery to current families, and increase outreach to new parents,” said Tammy Turple, executive director. “The program aligns perfectly with our longstanding mission to strengthen and enhance the lives of families in our community.”

Funding for the expansion of the successful program is part of the $1.2 million announced in November to strengthen early intervention and prevention programs.

“With young children of my own, I’m personally invested in ensuring that children are given the best possible chance to succeed and I know this program will help to make that happen,” said Mr. Maguire.

The program is being expanded to 15 more communities and organizations throughout the province. The names will be announced in the coming weeks.

Source: Release

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