
Students Walk the Talk

Students, parents, staff and community members will walk or wheel to school next week and all month long for physical activity, safety, the environment and for fun.

Next week kicks off International Walk to School Month. The event is for schools with walking or bussed students; bussed students participate in walk at school events.

What: International Walk to School Month in October

When: Although it is a month-long event, many school events happen during the week of October 4 to 8, either before class starts in the morning or shortly after students arrive

Location: Schools all over Nova Scotia – see a list of registered schools, organized by school board, at

Details: Schools may register at (click IWALK). They participate for one day, one week or all month long.

International Walk to School Month is an initiative of Active & Safe Routes to School, coordinated in Nova Scotia by the Ecology Action Centre in partnership with the Nova Scotia Department of Health Promotion and Protection as part of the Active Kids Healthy Kids

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