
Style: I’m pretty sure I can’t define it

L-A: So, we’ve been asked this kind of thing before, but a tweet yesterday from another blogger asked the following:

Despite being a fashion blogger, this is a question that stumps me almost daily. Well, maybe not daily. But on a regular basis. Like, everytime I go shopping. It’s like the caramilk secret of fashion. Yes, it is that philosophical. I was once asked, to on the spot define my style. I hated that question and I hated my answer. While I can sometimes be a bit of a label whore, I do not like labeling my style. If I manage to boil it down to “California country casual” or “uptown girl chic” or “party girl on a three day bender”, then I am probably making shit up.

Anyway, in my attempt to answer the twitter question, I turned to Lauren Conrad’s book Style for research (which seemed better than google. I’m meant to review the book for Edward’s Book Club).

Sadly, and not terribly surprisingly, LC didn’t offer any groundbreaking answers. Although, she did give tips on liquid eyeliner and the side-braid.  But no clear answer on how to figure out personal style. Just a dissection of her own personal style.

Which is cool, if you like LC’s style (I sometimes do). But if you don’t, you’d probably scoff at the notion that every wardrobe needs a white collared shirt, a blazer and skinny jeans. And neither you nor LC would be wrong about wardrobe basics.

Essentially, this entire post is a long winded way of saying “I don’t have a fucking clue.”

But here’s what I do know: it’s what fits and it’s what feels comfortable. Even if something looks fabulous on you, if you’re not comfortable in it, then it’s probably not part of your style. Two examples of this.

1. During a mad rush shopping trip for some work appropriate clothing over a year ago, I was given a blouse to try on by the salesgirl. It was sheer and kind of floufy. The salesgirl loved it on me. My honest and trusted shopping buddies loved it on me. I felt weird and uncomfortable. I knew I’d feel weird if I wore it to work. I’d pick at it. It wasn’t me. It wasn’t my style.

2. I have a friend who hates how pants look on her. No matter how often she tries on pants that I think look good on her, she doesn’t like the fit. She’d rather be in a skirt. So she wears a skirt, because that’s what she’s most comfortable in. For whatever reason, dress pants just aren’t her style for work.

I could make a case for needing to step outside of your comfort zone just a little bit. The dressing room or your friend’s closet is a good place to do this. I had pretty much written off jersey dresses as not ever being a part of my style, but boom! tried on a friend’s dress (at her insistence) and it was surprised to find it looked good. This doesn’t apply to all jersey dresses, but at least now I try them – just in case. The thing is to at least try it on. Trying new things can be a bit scary, but scary is different than completely uncomfortable.  But like I said, if it fits (because sometimes we love things that look horrible on us and we need to break up with those things. for reals) and if you’re fairly comfortable, it’s probably your style.

And I don’t necessarily think that it matters if your style is in style. There are some pieces that will be dated and should probably go and there are things that really, well, they make you look frumpy or bumpy or not so hot. But generally, take some advice from this man:



Make it work (for you).

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