
Sunny, Summer Saturday Nights!

It’s a little later than usual but I wanted to get a post up before hitting the sack.  My eats were absolutely stellar today, whoohoo!  We decided against going out, instead we spent the afternoon cleaning/de-cluttering.  I also worked on business cards for the blog (will show you when I’m done!) and designing a blog layout for a project my Mom has come up with. Felt like a productive day for sure!

Holly and Dean invited us over for the barbeque this evening.  They have a gorgeous yard with lots of pretty flowers, so I took MariLynn for a little tour…

The SLR is worth every single penny.   I am so happy with it! 🙂

Can you spot the squirrel hiding in the tree?

Dean was on barbeque duty. (As usual!) while Holly attempted to create a salad spinner with a strainer and bowl.   Hehehe. 

It was nice to sit back and have some one else cook for a change.

Doesn’t Holly’s new short ‘do totally suit her? Love it, she looks so cute!

I had a yummy cheeseburger piled high with onions, tomatoes, lettuce, pickle plus ketchup, mustard and relish.  It was SO good. Note to self:  buy pickles and relish.

Side salad – mixed greens from our garden. Man, we have SOOO many greens. My crisper is stuffed to the brim.  Thinking there will be plenty of green smoothies over the next few days.   Back to the salad, along with the greens there was mushrooms, cukes, tomatoes and radish.  Topped with a little Italian dressing.

Plus grilled carrots with caraway seeds.  Mmm, it was all great guys, thanks again for having us over!

On the way home I noticed the gorgeous sky and made hubby stop on the side of the highway so that I could snap a few shots. 🙂  Summer in Nova Scotia is pretty darn great, don’t ya think?

Alright, I’m off to bed.  Tomorrow marks the first day of the Yoga Challenge. I’m including a list of the participants in my breakfast post so stay tuned.  Night bloggies!

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