
Super Favourite Friday – September 25 edition – tortoiseshell, noodles & sewing ninjas

L-A: What makes this Friday a Super Favourite Friday? The fact that there is three of us giving you our favourites. Awesome, non?  It’s because of this that I’m going to try and keep my favourites short. Also because I was grasping at straws trying to think of what my favourites would be while I was waiting for a late bus home. I’ve been out late the past two nights to see documentaries at AFF (Art & Copy and Handmade Nation). Being out late has meant that I’m (a) not putting much thought into blog posts while out doing things, (b) I’m getting home late and am too tired to write, and (c) I’m missing out on some of the TV I might have included today (sorry, no ANTM talk today).

Anytheways, I’ve got two videos for you. I’ll use them to bookend the post. First one is a song I’ve had on repeat since last weekend. It was a total earworm (hate that term. It sounds like you’ve got a fungus or an actual creature in your ear) from a Bell Mobility commercial and I had to find it. Thank heavens for the internets. How did people find this shit out before you could google it? Seriously folks: How? I lived in the pre-internet days and I’m still baffled by how I lived sans internets.  It’s ‘Coin Laundry’ by Lisa Mitchell:

I’ve watched that video about seventeen times by now and listened to it even more on the TunaPod (name of my iPod…the word tuna is in the serial code, hence the silly name). It doesn’t hurt that the dude in the video is really pretty.  And because I told the guest bloggers to make their favourites be loosely fashion related, I’ll try to do that by saying how cute I think her giant hair bow is:


This shouldn’t surprise anyone since I’ve pretty much written an Ode to the Headband on Gossip Girl.

Now, on to the guest bloggers!

Ange: Yay for favourite Fridays.

Something that many people who know me in real life know about me is that I love favourites. Love them. Last year I moved clear across the country (about as far as you can get), and knew absolutely no one. My main tactic in making friends (and remembering people) was to ask people what their favourite thing ever was. Mine (for the purposes of said query) was dim sum. This year I’ve changed it to noodles.

What does this have to do with fashion? Not much. Although I did find this delightful image of a dress made entirely out of ramen packaging.

Fashion related favourites this week:

Skinny black jeans. I got a job recently (total student job) for which I was told I had to wear black pants. I asked if black jeans would be alright (student job). They said yes (student job). I decided it was my sign to let myself buy the Club Monaco black Ella jeans I have been coveting for the past year. They were $140 (less my 20% student discount), and wayyyyyy more than I usually let myself pay for jeans (student with a student job), but they are so hot. With two ts. Slightly stretchy and slim, they look super great with everything. Like leggings. But not. Totally worth it.

Here is the adorable Gloire French modelling her own (non-CM) skinny black jeans.

Tortoiseshell. Ever since Mindy Kaling blogged about this Michael Kors tortoiseshell watch (at things i bought that i love — another favourite of mine, even though she almost never updates it) I’ve been hyper aware of the covetous feelings I get whenever I see anything marked by this mottled orangebrowntan awesomeness (aka tortoiseshell).

I also really really want a pair of tortoiseshell nerd glasses, like these ones from super.

Or these awesome Japanese ones.

I wish I had the chutzpah to wear glasses despite the fact that I don’t need them.

I would also love some tortoiseshell jewellery. I’m thinking something along the lines of this Lindsay Colbus necklace.

If it’s okay with Lauren Conrad, it’s okay with me.

Other favourites today: the fact that it’s Friday. The fact that it’s Friday and I’m going out for dim sum then getting a haircut. The fact that tomorrow is Saturday. My new tomato red moleskine planner (I’m thinking that the red is going to give my schedule/social life some get-up-and-go — or maybe give me the get-up-and-go I need to match my social life).

Eden: I’m going to take this opportunity to let you guys know about a rockin’ independent designer who I just happened to go to high school with.

Her name is Stacey McKay Serrano, and her clothing line is called Sewninja, and it is SO CUTE.

Her stuff leans towards the hoodies-with-prints, which are not completely my style, but her versions make even me want to go a little athletic-inspired:

But what I really love are her dresses.


Double swoon:


Plus, she does her own modelling, and is cute as a million buttons.

I am a bad person who has yet to buy anything from her. Perhaps writing this will get me off my ass and supporting a Canadian designer. As should you!

L-A (again): Excellent favourites! I think guest bloggers were a favourite of mine last week, but since this is my blog, I’m going to make them a favourite again this week. Yay for guest bloggers!

And the second video I promised you is from my latest favourite show. The one I cannot shut up about. It will possibly rank in my Top Five Favourite TV Shows Ever. In case you’ve forgotten, it’s Glee. This show actually makes me LOL, while giving me embarrassment cringes of the best kind (that happened when four grown white dudes broke into singing This is How We Do It by Montell Jordan). I’m not even kidding. The show actually fills me with glee. I think I may have actually squee’d when Spy Daddy (aka. Canadian actor Victor Garber, in case you’re not up on your Alias/TWoP) appeared as a character. And BTDubs – I generally do not “squee” over things.  Anyway, I missed this week’s episode and haven’t had a chance to watch it, but I needed to share this video teaser for that episode. It’s for all the Single Ladies.

This show kills me. Please watch it so that I can stop writing about it and telling you that you need to watch it. This is Fox kids: they cancel good TV for shits and giggles. It’s mildly fashion related because the character Kurt (who is dancing the part of Beyoncé in that video) talks about his Marc Jacobs jackets and such. It’s a stretch, but Ally once mentioned tums and frozen cake as her favourites, so I don’t feel so bad.

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