

Just call me Superwoman!! Today has been one of the most productive days of my life. :) 

Woke up, got a wash on and then made breakkie. I’ve been craving the egg + cream cheese combo so that’s exactly what I had. Served on an ezekiel english muffin with baby spinach & sliced tomatoes.  Mmmm mmm!

Side of strawberries that have seen better days. 😉

Laundry was ready to go on the line after I ate.  What an absolutely gorgeous day here in Nova Scotia.  Sunshine and warm temps with a lovely breeze.  Perfect clothesline weather!

I savoured a cuppa joe in my new mug.  Cute eh? One of the many prizes that Tash gave out at the baby shower last weekend.

Had a chance to browse a few mags that have been sitting on the counter for days, including the latest issue of Chatelaine that Ang is quoted in! Always fun to see bloggers in print.

We spent part of the morning re-arranging two bedrooms and then headed outside to tackle the cars.  Wasn’t taking any chances with the sun today! ;)  The burn I got last weekend has turned into a lovely tan, definitely not the safest way to darken up though.

Both cars were 100% GROSS.  Full of disposable coffee cups, water bottles, shoes (me) and junk mail.   It took 2 full hours to clean and vacuum them but I was so pleased with the results.


Hers… I won’t lie.  Mine had more garbage. *blushes*

I’m so bad for just throwing stuff in then back seat and forgetting all about it. Spick and Span!

I was starving for some lunch by the time we finished.  Heated up a leftover black bean burger.

Along with a sweet salad – baby spinach, blueberries, raspberries & toasted almonds.  Topped with balsamic vinegar. I love fruit in salads, makes them that much better!

After a short break got started on the lawn.  Our yard was in need of major attention.  Gotta love the smell of fresh cut grass!

Unfortunately the back yard isn’t too grassy anymore.  Remember, back in November it had to be all dug up to find our septic tank?  Lots of rocks and dirt.

Saving the very best for last.  Bossman was over with the mini excavator to spread all the topsoil for our VEGGIE GARDEN!!!!!!!! Whoohoo!  So excited, apparently we’ve still got about 2 weeks left to plant.  I can’t wait! Lots more deets later!

Here’s a view from the end of our driveway, it’s going to be a pretty decent sized garden once it’s all in.

So, yeah a pretty busy day pour moi.  But the house is organized, cars are clean and the yard is well on it’s way.   Tomorrow I need to weed the flower beds and then I’ll be satisfied! 😉

I’ll leave you with this:

Hope you’re all having a fantastic weekend! xoxo

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