Surfers on speed: Slow down, dude!

Local residents say surfers are driving too fast on the road to Martinique Beach.

Local residents say surfers are driving too fast on the road to Martinique Beach.

Like an addict looking for his next fix, the anticipation of getting to the beach and getting wet can be pretty intense for a surfer. Unfortunately, that anticipation can lead to bad behaviour, especially behind the wheel of a car.

A couple of weeks ago, the problem of surfers speeding on the East Petpeswick Road on their way to Martinique Beach was brought up at the Annual General Meeting of the Musquodoboit Harbour Residents and Ratepayers Association (MHR&RA).

“I don’t feel safe walking on the road anymore because of the surfers,” said one resident of East Petpeswick.

Upon making the comment, eyes immediately turned to MHR&RA vice chair Colin Cameron. A well known community activist, Cameron is long time local surfer at Martinique Beach.

“At that moment, I was truly embarrassed to call myself a surfer,” said Cameron. “I have been an active participant in protecting the reputation of the surfers of Martinique within this community for 31 years.

“I don’t like having the finger pointed at me at a public meeting blaming all surfers for speeding. I was rightfully appointed to do something about the problem.”

Cameron is strongly urging surfers slow down while on the road to Martinique.

“When in our neighbourhood, abide by the posted speed limits,” he said. “Save your stoke – the thrill of speed – for the waves, not the automobile, or you will not be welcome here…and there may be consequences.”

The community is requesting police crackdown on “speeding surfers” on the East Petpeswick Road. If the police answer the community’s request, targeting surfers should be like shooting fish in a barrel thanks to surfboards strapped to roofs.

Residents are also considering reporting licence plate numbers to police.

“The general rule of surfing is really simple,” said Cameron. “Show some respect when you are away from home and the locals/regulars will welcome you. If you don’t, they won’t.”

Failing to slow down will also take “the heat off the local idiots who drive too fast and don’t surf,” added Cameron.

“Slow down and smell the roses,” he said. “And don’t litter.”

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