The vote on Survivor last night was a mistake, for almost everyone involved.
We’re down to the wire on Survivor: One World – the finale airs this Sunday, and personally I’m pretty excited about it. Say what you want about this season, but right now there are five people left in the game and I think three of them have a really good chance of winning. It’s all going to come down to who they’re sitting next to.
This week, the women voted out Tarzan, the surprising last man standing. They all had their own reasons for doing so. He was playing them all to try and get to the final three, that’s for sure. He’s a man, and for five women who formed a strong female alliance on a season that began divided by gender, him winning would be the worst possible outcome. He’s a man, and maybe he’d get votes from all the other men who sit bitterly on the jury.
But the other name being floated around last night was Chelsea, and she’s a legitimate threat. She didn’t win Immunity last night, but she easily could. So for Kim, breaking that alliance and voting out her pal would have been a good move.
And for everyone else, why aren’t they considering taking out Kim? Chelsea is too trusting – she still thinks and wants it to be her, Kim and Sabrina in the end. Why does she think she can beat Kim? I’m not saying she absolutely can’t, but it would be a tough match with those three sitting together at final tribal council. Of course, I do think that Kim is savvy enough that had her name been seriously thrown around, she would have known that and would have played her idol. Kim has played a really good social game, and I think she’s close enough with all the players that it would be hard to blindside her.
Kim’s best strategy is the one that Tarzan laid out for her, taking Alicia and Christina with her to the finals. Of course, that wasn’t Tarzan’s actual plan, his idea was to get Kim to keep him until fourth, where he’d then convince Alicia and Christina that they should take him to the finals over Kim. This was a decent plan, but it had two major flaws. One, that Alicia and Christina are morons. Two, that of those four players Kim is hands down the strongest physically and mentally and would have a really good chance of winning her way into the final three.
At this point, with her immunity idol and her prowess in challenges, Kim is a shoe-in for final four and has a fantastic shot at being in the final three and winning. But you never know what could happen in that two-hour finale…
Chelsea still should have taken Christina on the reward, or at the very least Tarzan. Why leave the three people who are not in your alliance alone together to stew and plot? Chelsea is not playing a strategic game, and she never has been. And that’s why I’ll be mad if she wins on Sunday night instead of Kim.
Chelsea, Sabrina and Kim got to enjoy a relaxing overnight yacht ride complete with a bed, showers, food and cocktails. And as they were sitting there relaxing, Kim said the stupidest thing she’s said in this whole game – that maybe these were the girls she wanted to take to the end after all. No Kim, no they’re not. Personally, I think that was a fleeting thought that Kim mused and producers chose to air it in order to throw us off the scent. No way Kim is stupid enough to take real competition to the end.
Back and Forth
Back at camp, Alicia was furious that Kim got to go on yet another reward challenge. But thankfully for those of us who have Kim in office pools, Alicia was mad at Chelsea for making an inconsiderate decision and not at Kim for being so well-liked. Seriously? When are these people going to wake up and smell the fact that everyone likes Kim so much that they’re willing to take her anywhere? They will also want to hand her a million dollars!
The thing is, though, keeping Tarzan around and taking out Chelsea means having to endure Tarzan some more. And at this point in the game, people are tired and hungry and lonely and cranky. So things like the way Tarzan snapped at Alicia about the coconut? Those are things that can matter, and it was the first of several little things Tarzan did in this episode that helped lead to his demise. Strike number one.
Let’s say it all together! Oh no, honey, you won’t.
And with that conversation, the target shifted from Chelsea to Tarzan. The only person not completely convinced? Chelsea’s BFF Kim.
Bag of Bones
It was a close race, coming down to good vs. evil – Kim and Alicia. Unfortunately, Alicia came out on top, by a matter of seconds, giving her self-esteem a very unneeded boost.
Back at camp, Tarzan scored strike number two by calling Alicia a bitch for beating him in the challenge. Apparently since it wasn’t even physical, he should have won. Um, I hate to break it to you Tarzan, but there’s been a number of non-physical challenges you haven’t won.
But then there was the stupid thing. Kim told Chelsea that she might be in danger, but then all but flat-out refused to share her Immunity Idol. She never should have told Chelsea that she might be in jeopardy, because she had to know Chelsea would mention the Idol and giving Chelsea the Idol would be, as Kim pointed out, idiotic. So what did that conversation with Chelsea accomplish? Nothing.
Captain Bloody Underpants
At Tribal Council, Tarzan also showed that he likely won’t be getting any of the men’s votes by talking about how he helped the girls get rid of all the boys, reminding everyone that no one will give a millionaire a million dollar prize, and then chastising the men for incorrectly thinking that they deserved to stick around longer than they did. Frankly, it was a great performance to try and get to the final three as Guy Who Won’t Get A Single Vote, but by then it was too late. The girls had decided on Tarzan, and he was voted out.
I’m left wondering who Kim would have voted out if she’d had her druthers. I have a feeling that she would have eliminated Chelsea this week if she’d had Christina and Alicia more on board with the idea, but I could be wrong. That said, she’s silly if she doesn’t take out Chelsea and Sabrina next and she better pray that Chelsea doesn’t win the last two Immunity Challenges.
Looking back at how I ranked the players for my Survivor pool, I think I did pretty well this season. I had Bill at #1, but no one could have predicted Colton’s irrational hatred for the poor. But I had Chelsea, Kim and Sabrina all in my top five, and that’s pretty damn good. I do truly hope that Kim wins, both because winning $180 would cover an upcoming winery tour I’m planning, and because I think she deserves it. Chelsea hasn’t played nearly as strategically, Sabrina isn’t great in challenges and hasn’t been as strategic as Kim, Christina is a waste of space in the game and Alicia is just a horrible human being.
What do you guys think? Predictions? Thoughts?