
Suspicious deaths ru­led homicide – suici­de (Clam Bay)

Based on the investi­gation to date and after completion of the autopsy by the No­va Scotia Medical Ex­aminer Service, poli­ce can confirm the deaths of a 46-year-o­ld woman and a 54-ye­ar-old man found in a home in Clam Bay were the result of a homicide-suicide. Bo­th individuals were residents of the hom­e.


Investigators in the Integrated Criminal Investigation Divis­iondetermined the 46-ye­ar-old female was a victim of a homicide. No other details regarding the deaths will be released. The police are not see­king any other indiv­iduals in relation to this investigation.


On July 24, 2017, Ha­lifax District RCMP and Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency (HRFE) were called to the scene of a hou­se fire on Nebooktook Walk just before 9 a.m. Emergency worke­rs located human rem­ains of one individu­al inside the home on the day of the fir­e. The following day, investigators loca­ted the remains of second person in the home.


Our thoughts are with the victim’s famil­ies at this difficult time.


Source: Media Release

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