Hike Nova Scotia and HRM Recreation and Leisure Services present a guided snowshoe hike on the Bedford-Sackville Connector Trail in Bedford on February 19 at 2 pm. Participants qualify to win trail prizes. Go to www.hikenovascotia.ca for details.
Hike Nova Scotia encourages and promotes hiking, walking and snowshoeing throughout Nova Scotia.
Imagine more Nova Scotians and visitors enjoying a broad network of places for hiking, walking and snowshoeing and doing so in a responsible manner. Help us create a culture of hiking in our beautiful province.
Hike, walk and snowshoe…
– for physical activity and health
– to enjoy nature
– to view beautiful Nova Scotia scenery
– to spend time with family and friends
Hike Nova Scotia thanks the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness for its support.
Source: http://www.bedfordbeacon.com/take-a-hike-on-the-bedford-sackville-connector-trail