TEDxHalifax + TEDxNovaScotia

(Floating, well-bearded Ben Caplan FTW!)

Next Friday I’m taking part in TEDxHalifax at the NSCC Waterfront Campus. There will also be a TED event simultaneously taking place at Acadia University in Wolfville–TEDxNovaScotia. This is my first TED event, so I’m pretty excited.

Live speakers from across Nova Scotia and beyond will share exciting ideas, interspersed with TEDTalks videos, to spark discussion and connection amongst attendees from our communities, businesses, and academia. Each event will be organized around a single stage with a day-long agenda, including a closing celebration and the opportunity to meet and chat with speakers and attendees alike.

I’m pretty excited to hear Evan Jones‘ (Stitch Media) talk, the lovely Jenn Grant perform, and see Shakespeare by the Sea bring old-school theatre to life.

Also important (at least, for me):
– Your ticket gets you lunch.
– Your ticket gets you a few free drinks at the afterparty.

Sold. Right?

Lauren always aims for the head. Follow her on Twitter @laurenoostveen.


Source: http://eastcoastbychoice.ca/2011/06/02/tedxhalifax-tedxnovascotia/

Talking up front about Upfronts

What happens to shareholder materials if there is a postal strike?