The Amazing Race – To Catch A Thief

The rockers dropped their money in the travel agency. Twinny found it, alongside Trey and Lexie, and took off with it. Real nice, guys. So the rockers had to beg for money in one of the poorest countries on Earth. I didn’t need another reason to dislike the twins, but now I have one.

Once in Istanbul, the rockers had a slight lead with most of the teams behind them. The Monster Truckers and the Chippendales decided to take a train instead of a taxi, but with no traffic and a train that makes lots of stops it was a bad decision. The Chippendales jumped off and grabbed a cab, but for some reason Mr. Monster Truck thought being completed isolated from the rest of the group would be an advantage. What a moron. You can’t put a positive spin on ‘dead last’.

Speed Bump – I scream, you scream, we all scream for Turkish ice cream…

Speed Bumps on this show are too inconsistent. Sometimes they’re hard, other times insanely easy. All Josh and Brent had to do was eat delicious ice cream. Not a bad task, and it could be followed up with a luxurious bath? This show is getting too cushy.

Unfortunately for Josh and Brent, they found a way to screw up a simple challenge. They sampled ice cream at the wrong stand, so they had to backtrack and do it all over again. Time was lost, but on the bright side they got to eat more ice cream and probably made a random vendor owner’s day.

Detour – Simit or Scrub It

The Amazing Race – To Catch A Thief

The Terrible Twins

In Simit, teams had to transport Turkish bagels through the streets of Istanbul to three different locations. In Scrub It, teams had to take some bathing items to a Turkish bath to be cleansed. Um, really? This felt like an obvious choice. With more locations and a busy area, Simit could go wrong in a lot of ways – but that indicated that Scrub It would probably take longer, if you did Simit correctly. I might have taken a risk and gone for Simit.

Most of the teams went for Scrub It because, well, obviously. It was funny to listen to them joke about it – the luxury was so out of place for the grimy race.

Josh and Brent went for Simit, so at least the band playing there got to be on TV. These guys just warm the hearts of all the locals as they travel the globe. Luckily for them, the Monster Truckers were pretty far behind thanks to their choice of transportation. They also went for Simit, and the editing made it look like they made up some ground but the Beekman Boys still finished first.

Roadblock – Who’s ready to pour their heart out?

More sweets! In this Roadblock, one teammate had to sell Turkish sherbet to passersby. It didn’t look like what we call sherbet though, it was liquid. Was it like Italian soda? It was funniest to watch the rocker try and do it, because he had both terrible sales and pouring skills.

Lexi channeled her cheerleading skills and finished first, and she and Trey arrived to the pit stop in first place. Abbie and Ryan came in second, James and Abba in third and Team Twinny in fourth. Those brats haven’t been “nice twins” for a while, and I’m glad they ended up behind the dudes they stole from.

The Chippendales ended up just ahead of the Beekman Boys and the Monster Truckers at the Roadblock, but they had a good lead. The Chippendales grabbed fifth place, and to my delight Josh and Brent did manage to arrive in sixth place and stay in the race.

This was a pretty boring and predictable leg of the race, but I’m not sorry to see Rob and Kelley go. Rob runs me the wrong way, and they were never going to win. Buh-bye.

There are six teams left, so I hope the race begins to get more exciting. I’m rooting for the Beekman Boys, the rockers, and as a safe bet, Abbie and Ryan. Though the scenes from next week didn’t indicate good things for any of those teams in Moscow, Russia.


The Amazing Race – To Catch A Thief


Recap October 20-28 2012

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