
The Big Bang Theory: 21 Seconds of Indiana

Not everyone liked this episode of The Big Bang Theory, but I thought it was pretty great. I know a lot of people haven’t been huge Amy Farrah-Fowler fans, but watching her try to enjoy a “girls night” with Penny and Bernadette showed her in a new and entertaining light. Meanwhile, Sheldon’s experience at the Indiana Jones midnight movie providing several hilarious moments. You can’t go wrong when Wil Wheaton appears.
My biggest problem with the episode was that I refuse to believe that Penny would have never seen an Indiana Jones flick before. Since when do nerds own Indiana Jones? Everyone likes Indiana Jones! The boys were actually watching the movie in anticipation for a midnight screening that would include 21 seconds (!) of never before seen footage.
Amy had been planning on seeing the movie with the boys, but when she heard about Penny and Bernadette’s girls night she invited herself along with a simple “I’m a girl”. You had to feel bad for Penny, who now had a female version of Sheldon to contend with, but you also ended up feeling bad for Amy. She doesn’t have a best friend, had never been invited to a sleepover before (save for once sharing a hospital room with a little Vietnamese girl who didn’t even make it through the night) and she was legitimately trying to fit in with Penny and Bernadette. 
Poor Amy looked up “slumber parties” on Wikipedia and started ticking through each activity, one at a time. Girl talk? Check. Amy had lots of fun stories regarding her lady parts. Pillow fight? Check. Amy whacked Penny in the head with a cushion. Telling dirty stories? Check. Amy’s was in old English. Truth or Dare? Check, although Amy didn’t fully understand the game. 
Truth or Dare is when things got interesting. Amy asked Penny why she still spends so much time with Leonard, and after a little more prodding from both Amy and Bernadette about what will happen when Leonard starts dating someone else, Penny kind of freaked out. It’s the first sign we’ve had that the Penny/Leonard romance is not over, and I’m all for them getting back together. And before the storyline became too sappy and Penny and Amy became BFF, Amy made some sexual advances on Penny because Wikipedia told her that slumber parties often include lesbian experimentation. The poor girl only wants to fit in!
Meanwhile, Sheldon was totally peeved at the other guys when they got to the movie late and ended up at the back of a very long line. Matters became worse when Evil Wil Wheaton skipped the line, causing the theater to fill up right before the boys were admitted in. Sheldon wasn’t giving up though – he spotted a back door and snuck in. Not to see the movie, of course, but to steal the movie. Everything culminated when Sheldon escaped from the theater with the film reels, singing the Indiana Jones theme at the top of his lungs, chased by legions of fans. It was hilarious. 
The episode was chock full of funny lines and moments, so here are a few:
  • “I don’t care if ‘Eat Pray Love’ changed your life, I’m not reading it.” – Howard, to Raj
  • “I find zombies dancing in choreographed synchronicity implausible. And also it’s really scary.” – Sheldon, on why he’s never seen the “Thriller” music video in its entirety
  • “Actually as the newest member of your social group I feel I’ll gain more favor by arbitrarily siding with your friends from time to time.” – Amy
  • “Well I’m not sure how this is scored, but I believe we may have just won.” – Amy, after Penny storms out while playing Truth or Dare
  • “I informed you thusly.” – Sheldon
  • “Even at Star Trek conventions, they only let him in if he helps set up!” – One of Sheldon’s great zingers about Wil Wheaton

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