Well, that was weird.
Is it just me, or did last night’s episode of The Big Bang Theory feel a little disjointed? I was really enjoying watching Penny try to give Sheldon acting lessons, but other than Sheldon having some sort of emotional breakthrough regarding his childhood, I felt like the storyline didn’t really get resolved. Am I to assume that Sheldon is still an awful teacher?
This week I really did feel bad for Sheldon, since he seemed to hurt that everyone Tweeted about how boring his class was. There were a lot of great moments there – his video call with Amy, Penny pretending to be Spock, his frequent jabs at Penny for not being a real actress.
Meanwhile the Raj/Howard/Bernadette storyline was also pretty funny, and I hope we get to see it continue. Can Raj talk in front of Bernadette yet? The first time they spoke he was drinking, and the second time they spoke he was daydreaming, so I’m guessing no. He might want to work on that if he ever wants his Howard’s dying wish to be that Raj takes care of Bernadette’s sexual needs fantasy to pan out.
The Bollywood number at the end was completely hilarious. Bernadette has the perfect voice for Indian singing! I loved that it made zero sense because if you’ve ever seen a Bollywood film, the characters often end up singing and dancing on a mountaintop while holding goats for absolutely no reason. It seemed like the perfect daydream for Raj. I just hope this doesn’t get dropped – I don’t want Raj to be head over heels in love with Bernadette one week, and then back to normal the next.
The show has done a great job of developing Raj’s character, which is great since I think he was rather under-appreciated before. I’d like to see Leonard start getting some good storylines again, though.
Overall I liked the episode, I just didn’t like the way the Penny/Sheldon stuff wrapped up. Luckily, it was saved by Raj. What did you think? And here are my favorite quotes and moments from “The Thespian Catalyst”:
- “I was expecting applause but I suppose stunned silence is equally appropriate.” – Sheldon, reading the mood of the classroom completely wrong
- Sheldon: I’m not aware of the acronym KMN.
Leonard: From the context we think it means ‘kill me now’. - “I know the feeling. It’s like accidentally walking into a gay bar and then having no one hit on you…It happened to a friend of mine.” – Raj (my favorite quote of the episode)
- “Cute is for puppies. I want to be something sexy, like a labradoodle.” – Raj (my second favorite line of the night.)