The Big Bang Theory – Failure To Launch?

The Big Bang Theory – Failure To Launch? This has been a great season for The Big Bang Theory, and I’m really looking forward to seeing where this season goes. I’ve written before about what a turnaround I’ve had with the character of Howard Wollowitz, and it’s now at the point where I have a sincere interest in whether he goes to space.

He must go.

He’ll be fulfilling a lifelong dream and impressing his tough father-in-law all in one fell swoop. You don’t back down from that ‘ish, y’know?

And really, I think that Howard will go. We’ve spent too much time on this storyline for him to bail. But I loved watching him try to cover up his joy and relief this week when he briefly thought his mission had been cancelled. It was a win win for poor Howie – he wouldn’t have to die in space, and he wouldn’t have to admit that he was too scared to go.

The other threads in this episode were great too, and we’re really seeing all the characters (except poor Raj) move forward in their lives. Sheldon realizes he might actually care about Amy, after she launched an attempt to win him over with all the things he loves. And Leonard and Penny finally took their remixed relationship back to the bedroom… where Leonard proposed. Penny didn’t say yes, but she didn’t dump him either. That’s progress.

I loved the ways in which Amy tried to woo Sheldon – cooking childhood favorites, arranging for him to play conductor on a train, playing Star Trek doctor with him. It was all comedy gold. And the scene where Sheldon and Leonard comiserated about their lady problems while playing 3D chess was fantastic.

And I loved seeing Howard talk man to man with Bernadette’s dad. He’s a guy who could whip Howard into shape. I’m really looking forward to the season finale next week, how about you guys?

Favorite quotes & moments:

  • “I love strawberry Quik. It’s my favorite pink fluid narrowly beating out Pepto-Bismol.” – Sheldon
  • “Yes! Thank you! Oh! Oh … I’m not gonna die in space! I’m gonna die the way God intended in my late 50s with a heart full of pastrami.” – Howard
  • Howard: “Alright, look, I’m going to level with you. I’m terrified about going into space. What if I don’t make it back?”
    Bernadette’s father: “It’s gonna be okay, son.”
    Howard: “You really think so?”
    Bernadette’s father: “Of course. A pretty girl like Bernadette… she’ll find a new guy.”

The Big Bang Theory – Failure To Launch? The Big Bang Theory – Failure To Launch? The Big Bang Theory – Failure To Launch?


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