L-A: So I sat down to write this post almost two hours ago (while Ally was doing work or something. What? She doesn’t devote herself to the blog 24/7? I am questioning your committment to Sparkle Power Ally, I really am), but I have been completely distracted tonight by Canada’s Next Top Model. Why the distraction? Was it Meaghan getting invisible braces? Or getting photo of the week? (I am totally rooting for her. She is adorable. I know I should pick the blonde from Halifax, but I’m putting my money on the Winnipeg blonde). Or was it Nikita getting $4000 shopping spree at Holt Renfrew (and reigning in her tendency to whine)? (Jealous!) Nope. None of those. My distractions were these:
1. the girls got to go to Fashion Week with my fashion hero Jeanne Beker. Which, BTW, would be a total dream come true for me. So if my Fairy Godmother is reading this, can you hook me up with that? Because, unlike our models-in-training, I would never give Jeanne an aneurysm by mispronouncing the names of Fashion Houses such as Chanel and Dior. Not ever. (seriously. Did anyone else watch last week when Jay told the panel about that? I really thought Jeanne might die right there).
2. the girls got to meet Dan and Jessi of MTV’s After Show.
These two are smart and snarky enough to make me feel like it is okay to be in your 30s and watching The Hills. And I don’t know about you, but Jessi Cruickshank’s hair and legs make me want to hate her. (remember when we were talking about whose hair we’d like to glue on our own heads? I really should have voted for Jessi’s hair. Because it is all kinds of awesome). But I can’t hate her at all. I want to be BFF and snark on Speidi with her and Dan. Speaking of chatting with her and Dan: Just who are the people that get to hang out with them on the After Show? Am I supposed to know who they are? I feel like I’m missing something because of generational gap. But I do want to know how can Ally and I get in on that action.
And before you start questioning our commitment to fashion blogging (because this is not a teevee blog), I am going to focus this on Dan and Jessi’s fracking awesome style (see above photo for their red carpet hottness) and how they are in league with awesome Canadian designers, such as Bustle:
Can you say, “hott”? Because they totally are rocking Bustle’s Spring ‘08 line. Dudes, take note: the F/W ‘08 collection from Bustle (the most recent on their site) has some awesome ideas for menswear. If the runway photos look too flashy for you, check out the lookbook. There are some Chuck Bass-worthy looks that I think most of you non-Ed Westwick types could pull off. And finally, I love that their commitment to style included Project After Show, in which unknown designers got to compete to design a dress for Jessi to wear to The Hills finale:
Fashion, snark, pop culture all rolled up into two delightful hosts. Is it any wonder I’m jealous of those potential Top Models?
AllyG: Yes, as I approach the ripe old age of 31, I am indeed getting all “mature-like” and ensuring my priorities are straight. This includes focusing on work. My real work. It’s been busy my friends. Today, you will have to make do with L-A’s comments. I know, I know. You will miss me. I will miss you too. Would it help if I told you I was planning a post about The Hills? Oui? Do you feel un peu better? To get through the day without me (which I know is tough…I know), I shall leave you with this. It’s too much? No! I love you all buckets and you truly DESERVE this!
And I return to my pile of paperwork…