
The Green is Peeking Through…

the grass that is…


(this is not our grass here, just a random internet photo snag)

While most people sigh and cringe at the thought of “lawn mowing” season (at least my husband does), I’m REALLY looking forward to it! Last summer I was very pregnant and lawn mowing was out of the question. I did try using a weed puller to pull out some weeds in the yard, but I ended up with some pretty painful sciatica so that ended up being a no go.

Confession: Up until 2 summers ago, I had never laid a hand on a lawn mower in my life! We never really owned one because we didn’t really have a yard to mow when we moved to town when I was 15.  Plus my Dad is also a fan of yard work so it was never something I ever needed to do.  I guess like father like daughter, because once we moved into our new house (two years this June already) and when we got a new mower and The Husband showed me how to use it, I strapped on the good ol’ Polar heart rate monitor and off I went and sweat up a storm to the tune of about 600 calories I do believe!  I love getting exercise that doesn’t feel like you’re on a hamster wheel. I love the fresh air and the smell of fresh cut grass.  While The Husband is very much kicking ass and taking names in the exercise and weight loss department, he’s also very happy that I’ll be taking over the lawn mowing duties this year.

Speaking of our friendly little weight loss competition, The Husband and I are neck in neck! Come his weigh in on Monday, he’s expecting a total loss to the tune of around 15 lbs lost since the beginning of our challenge! I only step on the scale ONCE per week and that is on Sunday, so we shall see where I will be then. We have both been putting in an hour’s exercise nearly every day, but at a minimum of 5 days per week on average and we’re feeling really great about it and staying within our calorie goal or under on My Fitness Pal and we couldn’t be happier with the results.  We started our little challenge after I was already down around 4 lbs so FOUR of those pounds on the sidebar there don’t count toward our challenge, but I told him I’m not worried and I plan on taking down his rookie a** with or without those 4 pounds! :-D  But between you and me, he might be tough to beat! And secretly I wouldn’t be at ALL disappointed if he won. I kind of hope he does 🙂

On an unrelated (but cute) note, someone just woke up from his nap and has discovered he likes to sleep on his belly with his forehead on his hand and I have proof:

Seriously Mom, I just woke up…gimme time to compose myself!”

“Are we done?”

“Like, do I have something on my face or something?’”

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