
The Holiday Budget : 6 Tips to Keep You Sane

The Holiday Budget : 6 Tips to Keep You Sane

presents © by Shockingly Tasty

Here in Toronto this weekend we have the Santa Claus Parade. With the parade in sight we really have the start of the holiday season. So my question is this: Have you set your holiday budget yet?

Here are 6 tips that will help keep you sane this holiday season:

1. Set the Budget, Stick to the Budget

Know how much money you have to spend and stick to it! Really it is that simple.

2.  Make a List, Check it Twice

List those who are on your shopping list, along with ideas and the budget for that person.

3. Freeze the Credit Cards

Nothing gets to me more then watching a family put their holiday shopping on a credit card and not paying the balance at the end of the month. Make this a cash holiday. Throw your credit cards in the freezer and don’t use them for the holiday.

4. Volunteer instead of Spend

Instead of having an office holiday party, how about a day of company service? Organizations like a food bank or organization that hands out toys can always use a helping hand.

5. Large Family Solution.

If you are like me and have a huge family their is a way to solve the money crunch that can come. Shop for the children of if their are too many draw names and spoil just one. For the adults automatically do the name draw, simple solution that just makes sense.

6. Do It Yourself

I love when I receive a handcrafted gift. If your budget is tight think homemade. Pinterest is full of do it yourself projects that would make a perfect gift. In the past I have done apple sauce, cookies or homemade chocolates.

Do you have a tip that helps keep you sane and on budget during the holiday season?





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