R from Nouveau Cheap sent me this blog award. Thank you so much. Honestly, she is the one that always makes me smile with her comments/ replies either on her blog or mine. So if I could, I would give this award to her again 🙂
The rules are:
– You have to put in a song that makes you happy.
– You can tag as many people as you like, there is no limit.
– Say at least one thing about each blog you tag, that will make them smile, something nice about their blog that makes you smile when you read it!
I’m gonna twist this a little. It’s hard to pick the one song that makes me smile, so I’m gonna post a “conversation”, which I’m sure will makes you smile (or laugh).
I’m taking a sick day, didn’t feel very well waking up this morning. I needed some humour boost and I found this video from Nixxy’s Nail’s Weekend funnies.
I promised Squirt a cat for a long time, have been looking around. We were very close to adopting one until the owner changed her mind and didn’t want to give the cat away anymore. Squirt was disappointed. Keep looking, I guess.
I also twist the tag part, because to me, all of you readers make me smile by visitting this blog or leaving me a comment. I love it when my dashboard showing some comments to be published. It’s not about stats, it’s about feeling. It’s great to feel that you care about what I have to say and want to share your advice/ thoughts with me. I have come to know many wonderful friends through this blog.
So, for this reason, I’ll tag all of you who haven’t got this award. Feel free to pass along the smile, and let me know if you do it, as I certainly want to know what makes you smile.