
“The Unsellables” – best staging stat, ever.

Sofie Allsopp, host of HGTV’s fantastic show “The Unsellables”, gave an incredible stat in a recent episode. Here it is:

“Every box of clutter removed from your home during staging is equal to $800 – $1000.”

Read that again.

Consider that the reverse is also true…every box of clutter you don’t remove before staging / selling your home will cost you.

Remember that “clutter” means personal items, collections, extra furniture…etc.

Here’s another gem from the show:

“Having your home professionally staged can increase your selling price by up to 30%.”

Enough said.

(oh…and if you really want to learn more about staging, this is a great show. One of my absolute favorites. In a short ½ hour episode you get a real picture of how & why staging works. And always some good how-to’s for simple DIY projects.)

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